
Improved equipment to reduce the cost of production

Tightening competition, growing sales volumes of metal-plastic structures - the window market is constantly developing. It is for these reasons that if a manufacturer wants to stay afloat, constantly improve and establish itself in the market, it is necessary to equip an enterprise focused on the production of translucent products with high-quality and high-precision equipment. The WiseService company offers production equipment with advanced equipment in a full cycle. The systems we offer are our own developments, which are subject to requirements that meet modern trends and market conditions for window structures.

Equipment for the production of PVC windows, for example, a measuring roller table, fully meets international quality standards, is reliable, high-precision, as well as all specified safety requirements. All efforts of our specialists are aimed at ensuring that every potential customer is satisfied with the ratio of cost and quality indicators. If you are interested in a measuring roller conveyor, the price will pleasantly surprise you!

Full range of work

Modernization of equipment for the production of plastic windows includes almost all stages: ideal selection for a specific production, professional consultations, system installation, commissioning, configuration, personnel training, as well as warranty and post-warranty service. In addition, we equip it with software and then adapt it to existing technical processes at the enterprise.

We are completely guided by the requirements and wishes of the customer, so each client has the choice of the configuration of machines, measuring roller tables, line configurations and other production modules.

The company "WiseService" offers:

- individual approach to each individual client;

- training of personnel to work with introduced or modernized equipment;

- professional advice on the technical equipment of production lines;

- providing prompt support at all stages of work.

In general, ordering equipment for the production and production of plastic windows from the company "WiseService" means equipping production at various levels of capacity, both equipping automated CNC lines in large companies, and improving manual lines in small enterprises.